Prem-Plus Masonry Drills

PREMIUM PLUS DRILLS are manufactured to Reisser’s exacting standards by one of only 8* masonry bit manufacturers worldwide inspected by the PGM and allowed to use their trade mark. The PGM mark is your guarantee of precisely drilled holes for a stable anchor fixing. Quality masonry drills which offer excellent performance at a reasonable cost.
*at time of publishing

Features and Benefits




Pack Types Key: Retail Wallet
diameter (mm) length available (mm) pack types available Find Out More
4.0 85 110
5.0 90 150
5.5 90 150
6.0 100 150 200 400
6.5 100 150
7.0 100 150
8.0 120 150 200 400
10.0 150  200  400
12.0 150 200 400
14.0 150 200 400
16.0 150 400
20.0 200 400
22.0 400
25.0 400